Our Rates :
Standard Business ad – R175
First ad on the page – R280
2nd/3rd/4th ad on the page – R250
Stand alone ad – R395
Personal ad – R100 (R200 fee for basic ad design – eg 2 pics and some copy. If Design is required, we require elements by noon on the Friday before)
Charity /good deed – FREE (only applies to standard ads)
Notties Network electronic newsletter is sent to almost 900 subscribers in the Natal Midlands area every Wednesday. It is automatically posted to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too, which have a combined following of +4500 interested people.
Final material must be sent as a jpeg (size 600 pixels wide x up to a maximum of 700 pixel length) to by not later than noon on the Tuesday before.
Payment is strictly upfront. Unfortunately we can no longer place ads unless they are paid for.
List your company on the Notties Network Website as a featured listing for only R50 a month, with a minimum of a 6 month booking (total R300 for 6 months). Your listing will rotate with other featured listings on the landing page.
Book a static block ad for R150 per month – minimum 3 month booking.